Starving to Death in Ireland

animal rights

Every winter, animals in North Wexford, UK die from neglect and abuse – and not just dogs, but larger animals like horses and cattle. Owners are leaving their pets and livestock in open fields without food and water. Dogs are being left in muddy backyards or huddled in old cars for warmth.

Check out the petition I wrote for ForceChange to give animals in North Wexford a chance to make it through the winter.

Source: Stop Leaving Animals to Starve in Winter

Photo Credit: Katie Salerno

8 thoughts on “Starving to Death in Ireland

  1. Animal cruelty is disgusting…I should like to see the owners suffer the same fate perhaps. Being from the UK originally, I was surprised not to have heard of North Wexford…so a small footnote to say that it seems to be in Ireland (whoever made original post perhaps did minimal research?)…I am not sure about the Irish attitude to animal cruelty but I imagine it is generally one of intolerance much like the UK or indeed the USA…sadly though there are always people who see things differently.

    1. Hi – Thanks for sharing your opinion. I am always interested in hearing feedback from my readers.

      However, the article did not need a small footnote indicating that this happened in Ireland, when that was blasted in the actual headline.

      You also said, “(whoever made original post perhaps did minimal research?)” but the fact that you missed the point that I wrote the article myself and shared it kind of proves that often times even when explicitly stated, information is overlooked. I assure you the research was done, but I cannot re-post the entire article in my blog. It was posted only to redirect people to the original post.

      To see the full story, please follow the source link. If you already have, then thanks for dropping by and reading.

      Have a good one!

      1. Well, thanks for pointing that out. I accept I missed that bit as I was more interested in the content than the headline. Apologies there. 😕 Farewell.

    1. Thanks Christina. I saw it, but was at the gym and couldn’t reply. I did like and RT it though. And mind? Phhhtt! Not at all. These cases need all the exposure they can get! I’m glad you liked it! I write 5 of these each week, so I’ll be posting one on Wednesdays from now on. Thanks again!

      1. No worries, and yes I saw the twitter stuff. All good. I will help when I can or have time to! 🙂 I agree completely! Have a super awesome day and keep up the good work you are doing! 🙂

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