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How I Spent a Day without Immigrants

In January, I kicked the year off with a list of five awesome destinations I wanted to visit before the end of 2017. But within a week, I was penning a totally different article, entitled I Cancelled my Travel Plans Due to the Executive Order.

Despite being labelled a “Muslim ban”, even US-born American citizens were affected by the order. Just last week, a verified story made its rounds online of a US-born NASA scientist who was detained after his trip to Chile.

America was upset. People marched. People protested at airports. Half an hour before 2.16.2017, a friend reminded me about an immigrant boycott scheduled for that day, and asked if I planned to participate.

Half an hour later, I was scheduled to take a vacation day for the first time in 18 months. Yes, you read that right – EIGHTEEN. So how did I spend this vacation day?

1. Cat Naps


He’s not dead – I promise you. This is what a successful kitten with an executive job looks like, when he hears he gets a day off from work to do nothing at all.

We slept in that morning for sure, and took yet another nap later that day. There is nothing sweeter than the sheets when you know you legitimately cannot adult for 24 hours.

2. Wine & Cheesecake


I bought an entire cheesecake the week before, so I made a meal of it that day. There’s only half of the cake left and I am not ashamed. It was worth every calorie!

Shadow also had his first taste of cheesecake – just a smidgen to lick off my fingers. I fear I’ve created a monster. He gobbled up that smidgen like it was a three course meal!

He washed his share down with some water, and I washed mine down with two glasses of sauvignon blanc.

3. Video Games

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A day off is always a great time to catch up on video games, so I turned to my old love, The Sims. I purchased a new expansion pack a few weeks ago, and was glad for the opportunity to get lost in playing. It’s been a while. Unfortunately, one of my Sims died in the process.

4. Binge-watching Netflix

Shadow the Pr Cat Lord of the Rings.jpg

I have a hard time sitting through a movie, or TV show. Ten minutes in and I’m ready to Google the show and read the plot. That’s enough TV adventure for me! But… what’s a vacation at home without some TV time?

So Shadow and I caught up on a series I used to watch, called Penny Dreadful. We plopped down on our Lord of the Rings throne, and we made it all the way to the season finale!

It really sucks that this show was cancelled. If you haven’t seen it yet, and don’t mind some gore and explicit content, it’s a must-watch!

5. Jamaican Hangout

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As if we didn’t drink enough wine earlier… we closed out the night by attending a Jamaican get-together put on by one of our clients – I.S. Enterprise. We had great food, old-school reggae, and drinks on the house.

I had more fun than I expected to, and was glad I talked Johnson into coming along with me. His background is Haitian, but he always has a good time getting into the mix with us Jamaicans.

It was a great reminder of the beauty of diversity at the firm and in the world at large. We’re always learning from each other, and always willing to try something new from each other’s culture.

I can only hope the Administration and the people who gave them power, gained some appreciation for diversity during A Day without Immigrants. After all, even the President seems to prefer his women foreign.

If they missed the message, well… I had my first day off in a year and a half. I’d say that counts for something. 

Did any of you participate in the protest? Maybe you know someone who did? How did you spend your Day Without Immigrants?

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