Shush the Push for War

It’s almost impossible to make it through a week without seeing Americans debating in public forums about whether or not the U.S. should go to war. To bomb or not to bomb ISIS. That is the political question of 2017.

While I sympathise with the desire to fix a problem that has clearly grown out of hand, people forget that fixing a problem was how ISIS was born in the first place. So before you launch into your arguements for why war is the best be-all-end-all solution, let’s take a moment to reconsider.

To better understand my line of arguement, let’s briefly change the topic to discuss another touchy issue: imperialism and slavery.

Offshoring Slavery


If you’ve ever taken a business class, you’ve probably heard the word “offshoring” before. In a nutshell, it means that a certain process physically takes place in another location – usually another country.

Many people think of offshoring as a new corporate evil, but offshoring perhaps first began in the 1600s with the British. From the 17th into the 19th century, Britain wisely off-shored slavery.

Thus, Britain itself never experienced actual slavery the way the West Indies, and the southern United States experienced it. It was a distant horror, and the British basked in the financial security it provided at home.

Some people knew better and lobbied for change, but if more people had known better, slavery would not have lasted as long as it did. It lasted because offshoring has a way of desensitizing us against the worst realities.

Following in Momma’s Footsteps


Having withstood slavery on its soil, the United States, particularly the south, is extremely segregated.

Even in liberal Atlanta, immigrants tend to keep to ourselves regardless of race and ethnicity. Likewise, different ethnic groups tend to single-file their way into their own communities.

The Confederate Flag, which is a constant reminder of the south’s commitment to slavery, is still freely frown in shops, in front of houses, on the antennas of trucks, and even welcomed on stage. To boot, the KKK recently won a case to sponsor a major highway in Georgia. Believe it or not, this is life in the south in 2017.

But there is one horror America has successfully off-shored for years. And that horror, is war.

Offshoring War


America is called many things by many people. But the one word I will use to describe America for this article is strategic. America is strategic not only because of its economy and political decisions, but because of its location.

America has the resources to fly across the ocean to strike at will. But is located at a distance that makes its allies, much easier – and therefore, much more frequent – targets. Britain, France, Belgium, Germany? All sitting ducks.

In fact, the only two times war and international terrorism really made it across the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean to kick America in the balls was Pearl Harbor and September 11.

Compare that to the many times Europe has been attacked in the past few years, and it may put things into perspective. The most recent attack in London alone was the fourth in just three months.

This is not a new phenomenon. I first noticed the pattern after double-checking what countries were a part of the Allied Forces in the World Wars. I noticed every time America was listed, it showed that they were usually quite late to the party.

I don’t doubt that many other countries would have loved to be fashionably late as well, but location didn’t afford them that luxury.

The end result was that America could swoop in, clean up the mess, play mediator, and head home with minimal damage compared to her allies.

A century later, and it still works.

The Cry for War


The resulting problem, however, is that it leaves American citizens with a very naive concept of what war is. Americans have no idea what it’s like to be under constant attack.

Disorganised homegrown terrorists pursuing selfish interests are one thing, but ISIS and those affiliated with them is quite another.

This is not to say that homegrown terrorists are never affiliated with ISIS. Many are. But it’s important to differentiate between the political impact of a crazy White Nationalist shooting up a church because Black people upset him, as opposed to an act that is part of a complex, ever-expanding, and highly organised terrorist group fueled by religious fanaticism.

Both are equally terrible in America, but only one could lead to World War III across the globe.

And yet, with World War III looking more and more like a possibility in our lifetime, on social media, in casual conversation, in blog posts, and in the news, many Americans are calling for war.

The cry for war knows no party affiliation. Republicans and democrats alike are calling for the dropping of bombs.

Many either seem to forget, or don’t know, or perhaps don’t care, that the greatest casualties of war are not soldiers. It’s the women and children, the elderly, the families, the civilians… who are caught in the crossfire.

Caught in the Crossfire


I’ve never personally witnessed war, but I’ve witnessed civil unrest, and that’s as close as I ever want to get.

In 2009 to 2010, I was still a university student in Kingston, Jamaica. Around this time, riots broke out in the city over America’s request for the extradition of a local drug lord. Two Jamaican parishes – Kingston, and Saint Andrew – declared a State of Emergency that lasted for an entire month.

The end result was an official death toll of more than 70 people, millions of dollars in property damage, the removal of our Prime Minister from power, and an unwilling amendment to our constitution.

During the riots, classes continued as usual and attendance was expected, but there were days some of us skipped based on news reports that affected our area.

The nursing students at my university had it the worst. Many of them worked at the local hospital as interns, and had far more gruesome stories than the initial news reports. “Bodies are coming in by the truck loads,” one told me during lunch, one day.

She then went on to describe the struggles the hospital faced of taking in all the bodies. She talked about the blood and the fecal matter left sitting on the beds of vans and trucks that brought them in, how she had to plug them up, and then the trouble of finding storage.

It was not a job for the faint of heart, or weak of stomach.

The Realities of War


The following year, I met a soldier who had been on duty during the riots. He was also a former resident of the community most affected by the unrest: Tivoli Gardens.

He had moved out of the neighbourhood some years prior, after the gang leader told him to hand over his 16 year old sister, or be gone in 24 hours. And since he knew the community well, he was the perfect soldier for the job.

“It was like being at war,” I remember him saying of the unrest. “The worst part is, the gangs have guns we can’t use. They’re not legal in Jamaica. So we fire a shot… ‘POP!’ And they hit back with ‘BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!'”

He talked about bodies stuffed in barrels, fourteen year old boys firing machine guns, and truckloads of the drug lord’s supporters rushing through the community wreaking havoc.

But he also spoke of the women and children who tried to leave, but had nowhere to go – the people caught in the crossfire.

I never forgot his story, and thinking back to it now, it illustrates an important lesson we should all keep in mind.

It’s easy to talk about dropping bombs, and blowing a country and its people off a map. But we should take a moment to consider what that really means for the people involved. For the soldiers who will die in battle, and the women, children, and the elderly, who may be unable to defend themselves.

If you truly support and sympathise with Belgium, and France, and Britain, and Germany, then don’t forget that when America drops bombs, those allies are always closer, always the easier targets for retaliation.

But, no matter where ISIS drops its bombs, the intended target for that message is almost always America. One of ISIS’ most recent statements said:

America, you have drowned and there is no savior; you have become prey for the soldiers of the caliphate in every part of the Earth; you are bankrupt, and the signs of your demise are evident to every eye… There is no more evidence than the fact that you are being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is.

America’s location has kept it relatively safe for two World Wars, but technology has made location little more than an inconvenience. We are a far cry away from the limitations of World War I and World War II. And as the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome have proven, no nation is invincible.

Not one.

So while I do agree that something must be done, I don’t agree that that something is war. We should be more careful what we wish for, when so many innocent lives are on the line.

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44 thoughts on “Shush the Push for War

  1. Sorry, my comment got chopped off! Here is it in its entirety..
    Very well-written and thoughtful words, Alexis. But I have two things I think it is important to consider. I don’t agree that ‘my country’ (which I have to admit, I do not consider it as such at present), more times than not ” swoops in, cleans up the mess, plays mediator, and heads home’. The ‘minimal damage’ part, yes, excluding the soldiers who are put on the front lines…and their families that lose them for it. What we usually do, instead, is fuck everything up, leaving things in a bigger mess than they were before, shattering the true victims’ hopes who think we will actually do all of those things.
    The second point, reiterates what i have already said. ‘America’, North America, anyway, the majority of its citizens who have even an inkling of a clue of what is going in the world, DO NOT support him or what he has done or is doing in any way, shape or form. In fact, it mortifies us and breaks our hearts. Clearly he is not the only president to make asinine decisions based on power and greed…but it just seems so much worse with his finger on the trigger.
    God, and you are so right. It is not ISIS that we are fighting and dropping bombs on. It is the women and children, it is your friend in the hospital and the other in the trenches of the gang-controlled neighborhood. That is who And that is what makes me deny that I am an American citizen.
    And that is what makes me deny that I am an American citizen.
    Thank you for having the courage and insight to write this.
    Thank you.

    1. argh…most incoherent post ever, sorry!!! 🙂 One more time!
      Very well-written and thoughtful words, Alexis. But I have two things I think it is important to consider. I don’t agree that ‘my country’ (which I have to admit, I do not consider it as such at present), more times than not ” swoops in, cleans up the mess, plays mediator, and heads home’. The ‘minimal damage’ part, yes, excluding the soldiers who are put on the front lines…and their families that lose them for it. What we usually do, instead, is fuck everything up, leaving things in a bigger mess than they were before, shattering the true victims’ hopes who think we will actually do all of those things.
      The second point, reiterates what i have already said. ‘America’, North America, anyway, the majority of its citizens who have even an inkling of a clue of what is going in the world, DO NOT support him or what he has done or is doing in any way, shape or form. In fact, it mortifies us and breaks our hearts. Clearly he is not the only president to make asinine decisions based on power and greed…but it just seems so much worse with his finger on the trigger.
      God, and you are so right. It is not ISIS that we are fighting and dropping bombs on. It is the women and children, it is your friend in the hospital and the other in the trenches of the gang-controlled neighborhood. That is who we are killing, And that is what makes me deny that I am an American citizen.
      Thank you for having the courage and insight to write this.
      Thank you.

      1. I think I finally found the other part of your comment that was chopped off. Thanks for sharing your take on such an important matter. Even the best presidents have made decisions in America’s best interest that hit the rest of us in the worst way, including Obama. My gripe is that war and inciting civil unrest tends to be the tools in use.

    2. Well, I suppose it is portrayed as going in to clean up the mess.

      As far as presidency, I don’t believe I specified one. America has always played the role it does. The time of the civil unrest in Jamaica was around 2010, and if you keep going back, you will find that it’s just history repeating itself.

      I also wouldn’t lump all of North America into the mess. Canada is one of our greatest allies in Jamaica. They are non-intrusive, and as far as I know, we’ve never had any squabbles with them. Canada very rarely sticks its nose where it does not belong, if at all.

      I do hope America rights itself, but I, after all, am not American. I can speculate and cast an opinion, but change has to come from the citizens on the inside.

  2. Awesome read. Your points are logical and insightful. I agree with every word you said. I for one can’t understand why people would think that brute force is going to help heal a wound that’s already festering.

    1. Hi Sade. I’m glad we can agree on this. I don’t understand why fighting fire with fire (or nuclear with nuclear) has become such a trend when we should be intelligent enough to see and know the consequences. Japan has yet to recover from that nuclear bomb, and this week North Korea was doing tests. Tsk tsk..

    1. Thank you, Peter. I hope someone has the good sense to start searching for options for peace very soon, as opposed to fighting “better” wars.

  3. The United States is a war machine. Nothing personal, just business. Where the poor fight and die to build profits for the rich. In The United States civil war was her bloodiest. 600,000 killed and would equate to 6 million in today’s population. Fought over slavery and almost none of the Confederate soldiers owned slaves.
    In modern time The United States had not gone to war with anyone they this not arm beforehand. Big business earns profits coming and going. Arm Al-Qaeda then goes to war with Al-Qaeda. Arm Iraq and go to war with Iraq. Arm ISIS go to war with ISIS. Re-arm Iraq and go to war again. Profits on top of profits.
    As far as American feeling the threats of war and constant attacks on her soil. What do you think the response would be? She has her hand in every conflict around the globe. She has over 800 military bases around the globe. She is the only nation to use a nuclear weapon in war and will not hesitate to do it again. Imagine the profits to be earned in rebuilding cities after nuclear winter?

    1. I hear you, but I disagree.

      Like I said at the end, no country is invincible. Rome had the army of armies in its time and where is Italy now in the grand scheme of things? Greek was a top-notch wealthy civilization. Now they’re the broke folks of the Mediterranean. Spain conquered the West and rivaled Britain. Now she barely makes it to first world status. Average salary there is less than $1000 per month. I look to international history to predict the future. History only ever repeats itself.

      America is not the only country with nuclear weapons, and it’s battling with enemies who will happily kill themselves to prove a point. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. America has plenty to lose, and may gain something if she plays her cards right. Or…she might end up with another recession, as is typical with almost every nation after it goes to war.

      To boot, America’s international relations have not been up to par this year. Her Allies are having a good laugh with eyebrows arched, and her enemies are joining in. Meanwhile Russia played America like an upright bass all last year.

      Again, no country is invincible, and waging war has never helped any country to maintain that status long-term. That’s why older and more mature nations like Britain, France, and Germany… are no longer policing world affairs like they used to.

      1. Who said anything about being invincible? Just human history replaying itself over and over again. There are no countries just profits. Country, loyalty, nationality and the flag are just fake social constrcts to enhance profits. Follow the money 😉

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