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Jamaica: The Little Island that Could

In most instances, when a non-Jamaican does a video on Jamaican culture, it is cringe-worthy at best. However, this video is one of the most accurate run-downs I have ever seen of everything from our language to our international relationships and our food.

For all of you who requested more cultural posts, and more posts on Jamaica in specific, I hope you will enjoy this.


If the video doesn’t load automatically, then you can watch it here on YouTube. 

The only corrections or additions I would make to this video are:

  1. The $1 bill he showed as an example of our currency hasn’t been in circulation since my childhood. We now use a coin.
  2. Merlin Ottey’s name is pronounced Ah-tti, not O-tti.
  3. The UK and Canada are good friends with Jamaica. However, after 2010, Jamaicans became increasingly wary of U.S. involvement in our sovereign affairs due to the 2010 Civil Unrest. This led to the removal of our Prime Minister from office, unwilling changes to our Constitution, and a state of emergency in the capital that lasted for an entire month. You can read about that here.
  4. The one ally he did not mention is Japan. Jamaica is one of the few countries Japan takes Anglophones from to teach English in their schools. They were so impressed with us that in 2015, they almost doubled the number of Jamaicans they take in via a special program called JET. Japanese Anime has also left an indelible mark on Jamaican millennials. I know a lot of Jamaicans who understand, and even speak Japanese fluently, like my Junior Editor at the firm, Tristan O’Bryan.


What was the most surprising thing you learned from the video today? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below. 

Alexis Chateau Black Cat

Featured Image Photo Credit: John Samuels II

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