These Women are Saving Animals from Extinction in Africa

Last week, I stumbled across a tweet that left me equal parts cock-eyebrowed and WTF-faced.

Children are being sold as brides to 40-year-old men in parts of Africa and South Asia. Some Muslim women are still fighting for the right to get behind the steering wheel. American women can’t even get their birth control covered under the new government — and we’re worried about traffic light icons in a dress?

So to remind us all what true female strength and feminism really is, here’s a video of a group of African women who are kicking ass, and fighting for a cause that affects all of us.

If the video fails to load automatically, you can watch it here on Facebook.

What are some of the big feminist issues, you wished people would focus on more? I’m pretty sure feminine street signs aren’t one of them. Like, Gee thanks, but can we talk about how I don’t even have the right to make decisions about my own womb in the Land of Free?

AC Sign 2_0

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29 thoughts on “These Women are Saving Animals from Extinction in Africa

  1. God, that’s the most preposterous antic that I’ve ever heard of! Who in their right mind was ever concerned about the shape of a man in a signal, and on second thoughts, how do we even know that was a man, and not a woman in pants! It is blank gestures like these that make the world scoff at feminism and what it really stands for. It would make more sense if all that money was used for scholarships or scientific research in issues related to women.

    1. I agree that these ridiculous things discredit feminism. It’s fine that the signs are feminine now, but why label it feminism?

      Don’t we have bigger fish to fry? I have never been concerned about the man in the crosswalk sign, which as you said, may not even be a man at all.

      1. The kind of nonsensical ridiculous and trivial issues humans come up with in the wake of pressing global issues is intriguing and saddening at the same time.

  2. Violence. Quit diminishing it by calling it “domestic” violence. Call it what it is. Slamming women into walls, punching them in the face, killing them.

    1. I’ve lived through domestic violence and haven’t given much thought to the phrase. My immediate memories conjured by the phrase are of the colourful descriptions you supplied. Never really thought of it as euphemism. 🤔

      1. As an English professor, I think about words all the time. Domestic often refers to “home” and things like domesticated pets. I think it softens the impact. Some words have changed. For instance we now call something “date rape.” That was never used before, but was couched in terms like “the boy went too far.” I am sorry for your exposure to violence in your home, no matter what we call it.

      2. I guess that’s true. Jamaica is pretty matter of fact about things. We don’t really soften anything. Domestic violence was taught to us as pretty brutal, so for me, my association with the word is just as bad as if you said “bash head into wall”.

        In America, there is definitely more push for political correctness/euphemisms etc. Fun fact: when I learned political correct terms in Jamaica, it was taught as “and the Americans prefer it when you say this…” lol

    1. *pouts* It’s no fun in time out!

      Australia was the one who did this, this time. I don’t think the move is bad. I think calling it feminism is ridiculous. I didn’t even notice the gender of the stupid icon before. Who cares? -_-

  3. Like I said before, the human race has a looooong way to go before equality and fairness for all is finally achieved, but if we all rise against tbese injustices, whether based on race, sex or social standing, we will get there in the end. 👍

  4. It seems the entire world is askew with priorities.
    Glad to hear there are brave women making a difference and placing priorities where they should be!

  5. I have six older sisters and I would love to see them get “woke” to the world they live in. My mother is pretty much set in her ways, having been raised in the Black Church under patriarchal rule.

    1. I have never understood how Blacks embraced Christianity, a tool used in slavery to keep them enslaved lol. To each their own, but I’ll pass on that.

      What’s holding your sisters back?

      1. We were raised very much sheltered from the outside world our peers enjoyed and they still adhere to many of the anti-secular beliefs that were drilled into us.

  6. Hmm, here are a couple more I’d like to see gain some traction. (1.) Native American women in the discussion of feminism, being marginalized, and human/political rights; (2.) the culture of silencing women and children in the Southern United States (I was raised with the edict, handed down from another woman, “children are made to be seen and not heard” WTF does that even mean, other than shut up and look pretty/handsome?! There’s another edict of politeness within Southern culture[s] that prevents people from speaking up, not rocking the boat, not doing what you know to be right, like standing up against racism and hatred). Anyway, a couple of my interests, and thanks for the awesome video!

    1. Hi Leigh! I love these issues you brought up. I have to confess with some embarrassment that I’ve never thought of Native American women’s role in feminism. I’ve always thought of them as living their own lives and making their own rules elsewhere, unaffected by the madness the rest of us endure on the land stolen from them. Thank you for pointing that out.

      I also love how you called out this ridiculous criteria for politeness in southern America. I can’t STAND it. I also live in the south, and it drives me crazy. If you haven’t already, you should check this out when you get the time: I’m sure you can relate to it.

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