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Day 2 in Utah: Thompson Viewing Area Along I-70

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Last week, I shared my death-defying hike of the Tower Arch trail at Arches National Park. Naturally, after a hike like that, Tristan and I did a lot more research about the trail we would visit next. In fact, I spent the entire 110-mile drive back from Arches National Park to Grand Junction, Colorado, looking up trails that would best suit us.

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By the time we made it back to the hotel, I had settled on Corona Arches. It now has the claim of the absolute best trail I have ever hiked. And for once, Tristan agrees with me. Unfortunately, this post isn’t about that hike, it’s about the mini-hike we did at Thompson Viewing Area on the way there.

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I know — I’m terrible. But I’m sure you’ll forgive me once you see the amazing view we came across here. It was not at all what we expected when we pulled off the road.

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One of the things I love about the majesty of the desert, is how tiny we look in comparison.

Once we made it over the hill and onto the flat, the view was even more amazing. The pictures don’t do it justice.

The view was so beautiful that we decided to hang out for just a bit — and soak it all in.

As we did, we noticed that there were no signs prohibiting us from doing a bit of wandering around the rocks, and that the fence that kept wandering feet like our own in, was way below where we sat. So, we decided to take the mini-hike back to the car, rather than walk back the way we came.

Along the mini-trail we had found, there were plenty of photo-opportunities before we made it back to the car. From flora to landscape.

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Much as we enjoyed our little distraction from the hike ahead, it was soon time to hit the road again. And can I just say, someone really, really, needs to get a hold of Hyundai for us? For behold, we are not short of cool Veloster pics from this trip.

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Don’t worry — this is one of the many exits off the highway leading to nothing in Utah. No traffic. No people. No homes. No businesses.

Next week, I’ll tell you all about the hike of our beloved Corona Arches. Stay tuned! 😉

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