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The Moreau Witches, A Novel: Now Available for Pre-Order at $0.99 all through October!

The Moreau Witches by Alexis Chateau

Last week, I promised I would look into setting up Pre-Orders for The Moreau Witches eBook. Over the weekend, I put it on my to-do-list to start working on it on Monday. Well, not only did I get started on it, but I got it up and running.

Within a few hours of the announcement on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, I had received dozens of likes, comments, shares, direct messages, and texts. Within a few hours, four purchases had already been made and the number continues to grow.

How to Pre-Order

If you are interested in pre-ordering the electronic version of The Moreau Witches, you may do so using this link. It costs only 99 cents to pre-order the eBook and it comes in any and all formats needed for your devices. If the format you want is not on the list provided in the product description, please email me and I will work with you on getting your preferred format.

Price Perks of Pre-Ordering

Those who pre-order the eBook will receive it earlier than everyone else—hopefully at least 48 hours before the publishing date. On Halloween, the price of the eBook will go up to $1.99 and thereafter it will sell for the standard price I set at $2.99.

Print Version + More Discounts

If you’re wondering about the print version of the book, that will be available for pre-order after Halloween. Until I have the final page count from the typesetter, it’s hard to get an estimate on the price.

I know many of you who purchase the eBook really still want that print version, so buyers who pre-order the eBook will also receive the 99 cents off the print version when it goes on sale. This discount is only available for those who pre-order.

Ordering with an International Address

Please note that my website does not currently accept purchases for non-US address, so if you only have access to an international address, please use the one below to place your order:

400 West Peachtree St NW
Suite #4, Box 602,
Atlanta, GA 30308

It’s the address for my firm, so it is perfectly safe to use. As the book will be delivered electronically, it doesn’t matter what physical address you use. It only needs it for processing. If you still run into issues, feel free to shoot me an email.

The print version will be available via Amazon for international buyers, so there will be no need to worry about delivery and addresses when that time comes.

Gifts + Upcoming Raffle

First-Purchase Gift

I’ll be sending a gift to the first person who placed an order on my website. They don’t currently know who they are, so I’m waiting to surprise them with the news somewhere around mid-October.

Raffle Gift

For everyone else, I’m holding a raffle and will give the winner a gift from my store by around Christmas. I’m still working out the details, but I do know the following:

I will provide a few options and let the winner choose. So far, I’m considering the following options from my store, which are currently for sale already. No need to wait for the raffle!





All suggestions welcome! I look forward to your continued support on the road to publishing the witches’ tale. Please share this post to help me spread the word! Here’s that pre-order link again—thanks in advance! 😃

UPDATE: You can purchase the published novel, here!

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