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3 States. 40 Hours. No Sleep.

It’s no secret. I love to travel. Whether it’s a day on the trails, a week abroad, or a few days a few states away, I’m always on the hunt for my next adventure…. even when it means 40 hours of no sleep.

Here’s my 40 hour story.

Starting Point: Atlanta, GA

My sleepless 40 hours started on Sunday afternoon, when I got up for the last double-shift of my weekend job. I had spent the past week working a lot, and sleeping very little. I had date night, social ties to wrap up, assignments to finish, posts to automate, a small business conference, and Vans Warped Tour to attend.

Needless to say, by Sunday I was exhausted, and knew that sleep would be a long time coming. After my 16-hour shift ended, I ran to the locker room on site, freshened up, changed, grabbed my suitcase, and bolted to the train.

Meanwhile, Tristan and Ericson, were getting ready to head out from Vegas.

I had less than two hours before takeoff and couldn’t afford to be any later than I already was. By some miracle, I not only made it on time, but had an extra few minutes to grab a burrito and cinnamon pretzel for the flight.

Don’t you just miss the days when we used to get a complimentary full meal, in the air?

7-Hour Stopover: Colorado

I tried to sleep on my flight to Colorado, but even after 18 years of traveling, I’m no good at getting shuteye in the skies. I was only too happy when we landed at the Denver International Airport.


My client, Edwine Michel, co-owner of the Rocky Mountain Exchange, was already waiting for me. We had met once before in Atlanta, but Denver is his home base.

Some people discuss business over dinner. Edwine and I discussed business on winding roads, leading up to the mountains in Boulder, and then through the nooks and crannies of Red Rocks. I’ll take that over dinner in a cocktail dress any day.

Windy Saddle Park

There were people biking up and skateboarding down the mountain, on our way to Windy Saddle Park: real daredevils in Colorado. Problem is, that made it twice as dangerous for the cars driving next to them. Thankfully, we made it up without killing ourselves, or anyone else.

6 Boulder Colorado Hiking.jpg

The view was totally worth the drive.


I tried to get a picture of myself, but it was so sunny, I almost lost an eye trying to squint at the camera.

4 Alexis Chateau Colorado Squinting in the Sun.jpgI eventually found the good sense to use the shades on top of my head…9 Alexis Chateau Windy Saddle Park.jpg

Red Rocks Amphitheater

After leaving Windy Saddle Park we headed straight for Red Rocks and the Red Rock Amphitheater. Once you start to get close, it’s immediately obvious how this place got its name. Even the amphitheater is built from red rock.

13 Red Rocks Amphitheater Colorado.jpgThe overall effect of red rocks, green grass, and blue skies is beautiful.


I wasn’t a bad addition, either! I’ve had some requests lately to include more pictures of myself on my travel adventures, so here you go:


After all the wandering around and the picture-taking, it was time for both Edwine and I to return to our regular lives. He had a family to return to, and I had a plane to catch!

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Back to the Airport

We got stuck in traffic on the way back, and for a while I really thought I was going to miss my flight to California, but I made it just in time.

By then, I was exhausted. So exhausted, that I found a comfy spot on the airport floor and made my bed.

If you’re wondering what soiled my shirt, it’s ice cream. How could I resist Ben & Jerry’s after the Colorado heat?

I got a splendid fifteen minutes of shut-eye before the flight attendant started to announce the boarding zones. And then, it was time to get moving again.

Final Destination: California

As the plane dropped altitude over San Diego, my first thought was just how amazing it was to be by the ocean again. As an island-girl living in a land-locked city for two years, I couldn’t begin to explain to you what that’s like.

My second thought was that San Diego is really crowded. But somehow, once you’re on the ground, it’s really not as bad as it looks from up high. I wish I could have gotten a picture, but I didn’t have a window-seat this time, so I borrowed a few great shots from Instagram.

Just In Time

Tristan and Ericson timed their own arrival pretty much in sync with my own. Just as I landed and got my luggage, they were pulling up at the airport, fresh from Vegas.

It was an hour drive to our accommodations. Ericson’s aunt and grandparents were nice enough to host us for the five days; thereby saving me the $180 I had planned to spend on booking an Airbnb room.

Crash Course in Cali

Being with the locals also meant we had great recommendations for what to do, where to go, and how to get there. We also had access to paddle boards, snorkeling gear, a boat… and WiFi.

Once we got settled, we met Ericon’s father, and then headed out to Oceanside Pier.


It’s surprisingly chilly by the beach in San Diego, at night. But I was happy to feel the ocean breeze on my face, and smell the salty air.

By midnight, it was definitely time to crawl into bed and prepare for the amazing few days ahead.

Next stop?

Torrey Pines!

California definitely gave Vegas a run for its money – and won! I can’t wait to share details from my trip with you guys over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for posts on:

Where have you guys been traveling to lately? Have you ever lost as much sleep as I did on a trip? Tell me all about in the comments below!

Alexis Chateau Black Cat

My trip was sponsored by Alexis Chateau PR and booked by our in-house travel agents. Is there a country or city you’ve always dreamed of seeing with your own eyes? Then stop dreaming, and start traveling.

Email us for details!


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