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Travel Vlog | Jumbo Rocks, Baker Dam, Key View and Hall of Horrors at Joshua Tree National Park


I had so much footage from running around in Joshua Tree that I had to split the videos into two. This is part two for last week. Most of it came from the Hall of Horrors. Looking back, I probably should have made it it’s own video, but the compilation is probably more interesting than seeing the same thing for 10 minutes!

I hiked Jumbo Rocks and Baker Dam solo. Kevin accompanied me to Key View and Hall of Horrors. He’s the campground neighbour whose family invited me up to Wyoming to ride horses, fish, camp, and ride ATVs. That’s also where I’ll kick off my RV renovations, which includes upgrading my solar system and repainting all this brown in the RV.

In the meantime, here’s part two of last week’s video. If the embedded video below doesn’t work, use this link. Thanks for watching and I hope you subscribe!

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