Revisiting Savannah, Georgia: River Street

1 Savannah Georgia River Street Winston Murray.jpg
Photo Credit: Winston Murray

“So, when are we going to the beach?” I asked.

It was an innocent question at the time — I suppose. But a few weeks later, Winston and I were on our way to Florida, all the same. The plan was to meet up with his friend, Andrew. But first, we made a quick stop in Savannah, Georgia.

And when our trip ended, and it was time to return to Atlanta to freeze our butts off, we made another stop there. This post and all the pictures are a mix of both visits. We spent our time in the historic town, walking the cobblestone streets, ducking through the narrow alleyways, peeping into shops, and looking at artwork.

2 Savannah Georgia River Street What to Do in Georgia.jpg

This wasn’t my first time in Savannah, but it may as well have been. I saw and learned more about Savannah in the 3 or 4 hours we spent there in December, than I did for the 3 or 4 days I spent there on spring break in 2016.

3 Savannah Georgia Pirate Ship Fountain.jpg

Maybe it was where we went, and maybe it was the company. But whatever the reason, I was glad to have another artist along, so I didn’t have to look like the only weird person taking pictures of strange things… like rusted pipes, molding concrete, and dying leaves.

14 Winston Murray in Savannah Georgia.jpg

Another key difference is that on my previous trip to Savannah, I never visited the famous River Street — nor had I the slightest inkling at the time that it existed, fixed as I was on spending as much time as possible on the beach. But if you ever make it to Savannah, it’s definitely worth seeing.

From the narrow alleys, with trecherous steps…

4 Savannah Georgia Narrow Corridors

To the cobblestone streets and old railroad tracks…

11 Savannah Georgia What to Do.jpg5 Savannah Georgia River Street Cobblestones

Waterfront views…

Colourful shops…

12 Savannah Georgia Tourist Attractions River Street

Vintage achitecture…


Friendly natives…

19 Savannah Georgia Bird

…and the tempting merchandise.

17 Savannah Georgia Dragons Store.jpg

With limited time on hand, we still didn’t get to see as much as we wanted to. Maybe we’ll plan another trip after Hulaween… 🤔

Can I just mention how awesome it is to finally have a travel buddy on this side of the country? I usually have to go all the way out west whenever I want company on the road!

20 Alexis Chateau Savannah Georgia

Keep an eye out for the blog posts of our adventures in Florida, starting in February. Next Friday, I’m taking a break from travel posts to share another [hopefully] hilarious post about Jamaica.

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