RV Travel Vlog | Traveling From California To Nevada

Last week, I shared the long process of prepping my RV and FJ Cruiser for a month of travel. Everyone preps for roadtrips differently, but my top three priorities are always: Shadow’s comfort, Samson’s longevity and the safety of all of us. Now that we’ve gotten the prepping out of the way, this week, I’ll show my trip from Wonder Valley to Las Vegas.

This is also where Samson gets his makeover and goes from a full Iceberg White FJ to a custom black and white one with a roof rack installed. The process of modding the FJ was a nightmare, but the results are a dream!

The videos I post here are a few weeks behind what’s on my channel. For my recent videos, subscribe to my channel. To see what I’m up to now, follow me on Instagram!

2 thoughts on “RV Travel Vlog | Traveling From California To Nevada

    1. Buahaha! I’m pretty sure I’ll be scared of dentists until the grave. 😂

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