Wordless Wednesday | Happy 6th Anniversary To My Blog!

20 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday | Happy 6th Anniversary To My Blog!

  1. Congrats! I can’t believe you’ve had your blog for six years! Then again, I just started following you in the past year, so my sense of time has been warped. My fifth blogiversary is coming up at the end of this month, and it really is surreal to see just how much time has flown by!

    1. Wow, your fifth! Congratulations. It’s amazing how time flies. I’m surprised I’ve managed to keep a travel blog alive during a pandemic. 😅

      1. Same here! Especially since not many of us are traveling, it can be difficult trying to find stories to talk about, especially in such a niche sphere as travel. But it’s been working out, and I do have some mini-trips I’ve done so far this year, which will take me until next year or so to put out!

      2. That’s great! I stopped writing travel posts now that I travel vlog. I’ll tackle it from an informational standpoint, like how tos and such, but sharing the actual trip just seems pointless when people can just watch it via the vlog. 😅

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