Why I Chose a Geodesic Dome for My Tiny Home

When I tell people I’m building a geodesic glamping dome as my tiny home, I get strange looks. It’s not a look of judgment but one of confusion. Most people know what a geodesic dome is, but not everyone knows what the canvas and steel version looks like. Thanks to the internet, it only takes a few photos and videos to show them what I mean. Some people understand the appeal right away. Others tend to ask, why choose a dome as a tiny home.

It’s a valid question, especially when there are so many other options on the table. I could have built an earth home or container home. I could have ordered a park model and plopped it on my lot. Convert a shed. Take the wheels off the RV. Why choose a Pacific Dome for my tiny home?

1. Affordability

During building discussions, someone referred to my dome as my dream home. I didn’t argue with them, but I did laugh a little inside. The dome is by no means my dream home. That would be a container home. However, the dome is an amazing starter home because it costs so much less than other options. Sure, there are people who build tiny homes themselves with half the money I spent on the dome. I would rather save that energy for the interior.

2. Structural Soundness

There’s no doubt that a container is one of the most structurally sound buildings you can choose as your tiny home base. However, once you start cutting into the metal to create windows and doors, you start to chip away at that integrity. Consequently, you end up giving up space on the interior to re-strengthen it with lumber. The dome is structurally sound as-is. Once assembled and properly mounted, my dome can withstand 150 mph winds and 20 lbs of snow.

3. Ease of Use

Unless you purchase a functional RV, most tiny homes require serious skill to design and construct. Domes only need to be assembled. It comes with assembly instructions and you don’t need a lot of technical or expensive tools to get it done. Sure, you might need to hire someone to do the platform, but everything else is potentially 100% DIY.

4. Appearance

Something about the look of the dome appeals to me. It’s almost otherworldly―this random little bubble sitting in the desert. I am not a fan of the stick-build-version of geodesic dome homes, so the appeal is strictly for the glamping version. I imagine I’ll be able to spot it from a mile away in the wide-open desert. I’ll be driving back after months in Mexico and I’ll see it getting closer and closer and giggle to myself that this little white blob in the sand is my home.

5. The Views

When I “shopped around” for a place to put the dome, the most important factor for me was the view. I wanted fiery sunsets and pitch-black night skies. I envisioned myself lying on a soft rug in front of the large bay window, just soaking up the views with a cup of hot cocoa while my black panther snuggles up next to me.

Getting the dome up has been one of the most stressful projects I have undertaken in a long time. But, I suspect that it will also be one of the most fulfilling in the long run. As the old saying goes, there’s no place like home!

If you use my links to purchase a Pacific Dome, I may receive a small commission. All proceeds go toward covering the ever-increasing costs of building. You can also donate directly via KoFi.

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8 thoughts on “Why I Chose a Geodesic Dome for My Tiny Home

    1. Thank you! Which video of the geodesic dome did you watch? There are tours of some beautiful ones on YouTube!

      1. I bet you came across the video they posted from Levi Kelly. His videos converted me. 😅

      2. Me neither, until I saw those videos from Levi Kelly. They really got me thinking about alternative living in a whole new light. What I love about the domes is that you’re so exposed to nature. I know for some people that’s not ideal, but I love that enormous bay window and the fact that I’m not boxed in by wood and concrete.

    1. Thank you! Excellent choice now that I’ve given up my lot. When it arrives, I’ll put it in storage. I couldn’t do that with anything else.

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