The Non-Fictional Tale of My Adventures

In 2014, I turned down several opportunities to leave Jamaica, travel, and see the world. After saying no to what might have been an amazing experience in Australia, Germany, and then London … I promised myself that for 2015, my New Year’s Resolution was to take risks.

Adventures and Misadventures

This decision catapulted me into the adventure of a lifetime.

In June 2015, I quit my corporate job in payroll and packed my life into three suitcases and a laptop bag to enjoy nomad life in Jamaica. I then traveled to the U.S., and ― after a grueling, years-long process ― became a naturalized citizen.

In 2020, I bought an FJ Cruiser and a travel trailer. I then traveled across Mexico and the American Desert Southwest with my cat in the middle of a global pandemic.

My Debut Novel

Like everyone else, my triumphs have been sprinkled with my fair share of failure and frustration. Even so, each step has taken me closer and closer to my goals. I turned my hobby into a thriving business and published my debut novel on Halloween in 2018. I’m currently in the revision stages of a second novel.

The Adventure Continues

This blog documents my adventures and all the lessons I’ve learned as a Jamaican in America. Stick around for the tales of trials and triumphs.

You won’t be disappointed.

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825 thoughts on “The Non-Fictional Tale of My Adventures

  1. Thank you for following one of my blogs.

    An interesting post. Everyone knew I was mad when I sold up and left the states for Europe. Of course I couldn’t last long before I would return. That was eleven years ago and I don’t want to be anywhere else. Travel as long as you enjoy it then if you want to settle, find a place that feels right! All the best.

    1. Thank you Léa, and you’re welcome. My travel buddy and I often joke about how confusing it will be when it’s time for us to settle down and pick a new place to live. We have yet to decide where would pull us most. I think he would want to live in Japan. I would go for somewhere in Europe, either Britain or along the Mediterranean coast.

      Where did you end up?

  2. Amazing blog, Alex. Clean, easy, fast. Love everything. Had no idea such help existed and will be happy to spread the word around. My kids are in Highschool, so what you are doing is very pertinent. Grateful to meet you here.

    1. I like to make things I think about come true. When I see that, I will go for some again, and again. And then, I can say, Who said not to try. The one that did not try. Thanks, Alexis.

      1. You’re welcome, Alexander. Glad you found my blog encouraging.

    2. Thanks Charles! I’m really glad you enjoyed my writing and my travel adventures. All the best to you as well! 😄

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