The Non-Fictional Tale of My Adventures

In 2014, I turned down several opportunities to leave Jamaica, travel, and see the world. After saying no to what might have been an amazing experience in Australia, Germany, and then London … I promised myself that for 2015, my New Year’s Resolution was to take risks.

Adventures and Misadventures

This decision catapulted me into the adventure of a lifetime.

In June 2015, I quit my corporate job in payroll and packed my life into three suitcases and a laptop bag to enjoy nomad life in Jamaica. I then traveled to the U.S., and ― after a grueling, years-long process ― became a naturalized citizen.

In 2020, I bought an FJ Cruiser and a travel trailer. I then traveled across Mexico and the American Desert Southwest with my cat in the middle of a global pandemic.

My Debut Novel

Like everyone else, my triumphs have been sprinkled with my fair share of failure and frustration. Even so, each step has taken me closer and closer to my goals. I turned my hobby into a thriving business and published my debut novel on Halloween in 2018. I’m currently in the revision stages of a second novel.

The Adventure Continues

This blog documents my adventures and all the lessons I’ve learned as a Jamaican in America. Stick around for the tales of trials and triumphs.

You won’t be disappointed.

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825 thoughts on “The Non-Fictional Tale of My Adventures

  1. You have a beautiful site. i wish i traveled more, but travel isn’t a lot of fun these days. Between the horrible airlines and the general ugly mood of the political world, hanging at home seems the better deal.

    1. Yes, travel does have its downsides, especially at the airports. But I would still rather be traveling than not.

      I live in the south, so traveling out west and up north keeps me sane, and reminds me that redneck culture doesn’t permeate everywhere. You need that reminder when you’re a Black immigrant in Georgia haha!

  2. Hi Alexis – I found you by way of your visit on my site. Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to your adventures, travels and heartfelt thoughts on passionate subjects.

    1. Hi Pat. Glad I was able to “lure” you here. 😄 My blog centers on my journey as an immigrant in America. Both the fun travels, and the not so fun cultural clashes. I hope you enjoy what you find!

      1. Hi Alexis. I hope you’re finding some warmth and love here in America. Your perspectives are interesting. I shared your post “Shush the Push for War” on my social media. Truths from experience give depth and different insights to many things.

        Thank you and hope to see you again and read more.

      2. Hello Pat. Warmth and love aren’t easy things to find here. It’s a pretty self-centered culture. That’s the side-effect of individualism.

        Thanks for sharing!

      3. Guess there is some of that, Alexis. Here’s hoping the longer you’re here the more love and warmth you’ll experience.

  3. while working in Outback Australia I counted the times I had worn a collar and tie during my previous life … and decided not to do that again … except a bow tie at functions, with a glass of champagne in my hand … guess what, that has become my life. T-shirts and polo shirts are my friends … and the job in the Outbcak … it found me … but we did travel to Darwin first and then it found me, right where I needed to be … at the place where Australia’s first people started their Land Rights movement …

    1. I wore business casual to work when I worked for corporate. So it’s not really the dressing that did it for me. It was the strict schedule, limited vacation time, and the loss of freedom. But I can understand how that contributes to the sense of losing one’s self and freedom to a job.

      1. That’s literally my current situation, I currently work for a really big bank yet they make you feel so small as a person they strip you of your style your sense of freedom and your personal time. I’m looking to quit in the near future as soon as I get these finances in order!

      2. I understand that. I used to work in finance back then, too. Finance is just a really restricting field, esp the banks. I hope you get out of there soon!

        What else would you like to do?

      3. Yes I’m in banking and it’s so restrictive that I feel like I’ve lost myself trying to be what they want me to be. Even down to wearing my hair natural doesn’t work for the environment I’m in like why should I be ashamed of the way my hair grows out of my head because it doesn’t fit a certain image for them!? As far as what I would like I do I have no clue I completely lost myself working there😩

      4. When I worked in finance, they were like that about my hair too. They weren’t too upset about the natural hair, but the dreads weren’t met with happy faces at first.

  4. I definitely look forward to reading more of your blog as a fellow traveling millennial. If you have any tips for growing my blog I would appreciate it. It seems like you have a really successful one yourself here. Great job and again I look forward to reading more from you!

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