Wordless Wednesday | The Grand Tetons in Autumn


I can’t believe I got to see fall in the Grand Tetons. 😮😍 #grandtetons #fjcruiser #blackrver

♬ Sparks – Coldplay

21 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday | The Grand Tetons in Autumn

    1. They really do! I’m so glad I got to see them. I’ve seen videos of the mountains in Telluride and would like to see those this summer.

      1. I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before. I really wanted to visit the hot springs in Glenwood, but the town was a COVID-19 hotspot according to the CDC map.

    1. That must have been AMAZING! I camped at Colter Bay the first time. This time, it was so packed, I camped an hour away at a beautiful campground in Dubois. I did go hiking at Jenny Lake, which is where most of this footage is from. 🙂

      1. It wasn’t empty, but it definitely wasn’t as packed as Cali trails tend to be. I’m pretty good at cutting people out of shots so they don’t ruin the experience for you guys. 🙂

    1. Haha, that’s awesome! There was a better pullover closer to the entrance, but I missed it on the way in.

    1. Oh wow! 😮 I bet that was an amazing experience. I need to ask the farmers about that. I know they go riding in the Bighorns, but I’ve never heard them mention riding in the Tetons.

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